May 11, 2008

Street Magician Gossip

Ah....with the completion of The Street Magician--and it's appearance at on youTube and at Sheridan's "industry day"--it seems people have been talking about it. The following are a few of the places I've seen it so-far:

-Cold Hard Flash (April 24/2008)
-Pete Emslie's blog (April 25/2008)
-No Fat Clips (May 10/2008)
-NicoSite (May 12/2008)
Translated from french: "The little story of famished Charlie Chaplin, in the skin of a magician of the street (or perhaps is this the opposite?), which seeks by all means to crunch the forbidden fruit!"
-a page in german (??/2008)
Here's what it says in english (according to Babel Fish): "Even if one has the law on its side and only for right and order wants to provide, one should consider oneself well, with whom one puts on oneself. Otherwise it can become rather unpleasant for (nearly) all involved ones."

(Please note that not all versions of it posted online have been approved by me....but since I'm not in it for the money, I guess I'm okay with that. It should also be noted that I believe in credit where credit is due. My thanks go to those who at least told me they were showing my work to others. I appreciate it.)


Anonymous said...

Hello i'm french and I love your short it's a good work!
Do you accept i put your film on dailymotion (, like youtube) ?
i would like to show your short on my blog!


Andrew Ferguson said...

Could you please email me? Merci.

Anonymous said...

ok i send you a email ;)